Red Seal Electrical trade Certificate
The Red Seal Program represents the industry’s recognition of an inter-provincial standard of excellence for the skilled trades. … The Red Seal program allows qualified trades people to practice their trade anywhere in Canada where the trade is designated

Master Electrician Field Safety Representative Class B
FSR’s duties include obligations to assess compliance of regulated work and operation of equipment; certification also entitles them, on behalf of a contractor or operating permit holder, to make declarations that regulated work complies with the Safety Standards Act and regulations

Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Training Program
The Electric Vehicle market continues to expand in North America and it is critical that EVSE equipment be properly installed to the highest standards to safety and quality. The EVITP program was designed to provide installers with the most comprehensive classroom and hands-on training available in the market today. All EVITP Certified Installers must pass a certification exam for proof of knowledge and skill.
Solar PV Technician Certificate
The Construction Electrician (NOC 7241) Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Systems certification tests each candidate’s knowledge to ensure the candidate possesses the knowledge and skills of the Solar PV Systems Certified electrician known as the minimally qualified candidate (MQC). CSA’s expert committee defines the minimally qualified candidate as follows: The MQC can perform installation and maintenance activities without assistance,
including (but not limited to):
- Understand the latest installation methods and technologies
- Read, understand and apply standards, codes and manufacturer’s instructions
- Utilize the appropriate materials, methods and select use and maintain tools required for the proper installation of Solar Photovoltaic Systems
- Understand construction documentation including drawings and written specifications
- Understand and apply the latest construction and building technologies
- Utilize the tools of the trade
- Read, understand and apply manufacturer’s instructions
- Read, understand and apply the appropriate standard as well as industry best practices and building science concepts
- Show competency in basic worksite Occupational Health and Safety Requirements
- Basic communication skills